Empowering Africa, One ID at a Time

CoordID is Africa's official digital property addressing system which covers every inch of the continent and ensures that all locations are addressed. With CoordID, every location has a unique digital address.

screen capture of the app

The Identity Crisis in Africa

In many African countries, the lack of a comprehensive postal code system has created significant challenges for individuals and businesses. Without a reliable way to identify and locate addresses, people face difficulties in applying for jobs, accessing online services, and receiving important packages and deliveries. This lack of a unique identification system has hindered economic and social progress, limiting opportunities and creating frustration for millions of Africans. It's time to address this problem and empower people to take control of their futures.

Introducing CoordID: Your Key to a Unique ID

Introducing our innovative application that provides a unique ID solution for people in African countries. By using our platform, you can obtain a personalized ID that will unlock a world of possibilities. With your unique ID, you'll be able to:
  • Apply for jobs with ease, showcasing your identity and qualifications
  • Access online services, government programs, and financial institutions with confidence
  • Receive packages and deliveries without the hassle of unclear addresses
  • Establish a secure and recognized form of personal identification
  • Our application is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, empowering you to take control of your future and unlock your full potential.

Bank Account creation and loan access for small businesses at the bank has never been easybenefit 1 of using coord
Door to Door Delivery Made Simplebenefit 2 of using coord

Unlock the Power of a Unique ID

Don't let the lack of a postal code system hold you back. Register for your unique ID today and unlock a world of opportunities.